
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Black Cotton - Keys To The Suite (Old Leaked Intro)

BC is fortunate to have the luxury of a studio at our disposal (A million and one "thank yous" to Dr. J). We're also fortunate to have the luxury of time, as well.

So please know we took our time when putting together this "masterpiece" of an album. We trimmed the fat and tried to produce an album with no fillers and just strictly hits. We had some tough decisions to make as far as song selection. And when you're striving for a perfect flow to an album, sometimes the best or hottest songs end up on the cutting room floor. This was exactly the case in choosing our intro.

The intro had to be perfect, since it's the first track that sets the precedence for the album. We chose to go another route, but didn't want a hot song go to waste. So with that said, we present to you: the former Intro to our upcoming masterpiece "Keys To The Suite". We hope you enjoy it, cause it sure as hell hurt us to leave it off the album. But I'm positive we made the right decision.

Black Cotton - Keys To The Suite (Old Leaked Intro)
BC/ SD/ UP. Enjoy! (Words of Slice)